What would push a man to commit a
crime of Sexual Assault? Could it be that he has no wife? That’s is far from it
because some men with good jobs, wife gorgeous wives and beautiful children
still fall into the temptation of being merchants of this evil deed thus ending
up in jail.
Some days ago, a US based
Nigerian Cab Driver, Nelson Egwu, who left the shores of Nigeria in search of
greener pastures finds himself living a nightmare having been accused of
sexually assaulting a 17 years old girl in his Cab. According to feelers from
Austin, Texas, the Police said the alleged victim did not have enough money to
pay for her fare having boarded Nelson Egwu’s Yellow Cab.
He was reported to have claimed
that he was an Ex-Military Officer who had a gun in his car in thus succeeding
in intimidating the young lady. The cab
then pulled into a parking lot at 13497 Research Boulevard, an arrest warrant
said, where he was alleged to have raped the victim.
a statement released to media, Yellow Cab said the following:
“In response to your request for information related to
allegations against Mr. Egwu, we can confirm that we have fully cooperated with
the Austin Police Department and will continue to do so. It is our policy
not to release information during a pending investigation, other than to the
authorities. We take any allegations of criminal conduct very
seriously. In addition to the background checks performed by the City of
Austin on licensed taxicab drivers, we regularly check the sexual assault
registry to assure that drivers operating Yellow Cab taxis are not listed on
the Texas DPS Sex Offender Registry. The driver in question was not on
the list. This is not to in any way detract from the gravity of the
allegations, but it is to confirm that Yellow Cab takes the potential for all
crimes, especially sexual assaults, very seriously. Edward K.
Kargbo, Yellow Cab Austin”
to officials of the Yellow Cab Austin, Egwu has worked for them since November
2006, and no complaint had been brought against him. The official also said the
City of Austin performs background checks on cab drivers every two years; Egwu
passed background checks in 2009, 2011, and 2013.
check on Nelson Egwu background reveals lengthy criminal background, including
assault and family violence. He is currently in Williamson County Jail on
$60,000 bond. He is charged with a 2nd degree felony. However, the City of Austin
Transportation Department says family violence arrests and convictions do
not cause an individual to fail a background check.
a final note, the Yellow Cab says Egwu will not be working for them no more.
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